UN-Sanktionen: Wirksames Instrument oder nur Risiken und Nebenwirkungen?

Sanktionen des UN-Sicherheitsrats und ihre Praxis am Beispiel Nordkoreas

Wide view of the horse shoe table during the vote. Non-proliferation/Democratic PeopleÕs Republic of Korea VOTE 15-0-0

How successful are UN sanction regimes? What are the political impulses the UN sanctions against North Korea stimulate?  These are some of the core questions addressed by Prof. Dr. Hanns W. Maull and Dr. Sascha Werthes at a public event hosted by the United Nations Association of Germany at the 24th October 2018 in Berlin. Link to DGVN (United Nations Association of Germany)

Research and Policy Workshop on Post-Conflict Processes „Building Sustainable Peace“

From 26th to 27th September 2018 the International Research and Policy Workshop „Building Sustainable Peace“ on Post-Conflict Processes  organized by the German Development Institute (Deutschen Instituts für Entwicklungspolitik, DIE)  took place in Bonn. I had the pleasure to take part and present together with Jan Grabek the project „Transforming conflict economies: Natural resource sector reform and human security“, financially supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation. I also attended the panel on  „Post-war Crime“ as a discussant where Achim Wennemann (Executive Coordinator of Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and Senior Researcher, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding,CCDP) and 
Shyamika Jayasundara-Smits (Internatioanal Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam) presented their current research.

Jan Grabek and Sascha Werthes presenting the projekt „“Transforming conflict economies: Natural resource sector reform and human security“ at the German Development Institute in Bonn
Panel on „Post-war Crime“ with 
Shyamika Jayasundara-Smits (Sri Lanka, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, first left)
Sascha Werthes, Achim Wennman (Germany, Geneva Peacebuilding Platform), and Sara Batmanglich (USA, OECD, first right)

Just published: „Exploring local potentials for peace…“

Christina Saulich & Sascha Werthes (2018) Exploring local potentials for peace: strategies to sustain peace in times of war, Peacebuilding, DOI: 10.1080/21647259.2018.1517965 

This paper explores the neglected field of study of local potentials for peace. It focuses on local communities worldwide that successfully avoid participating in violent conflicts that surround them. So-called nonwar communities opt out of war and refuse to be absorbed by one or other of the warring parties. In so doing, they develop imaginative and innovative strategies that can provide valuable insights on innovative approaches to conflict prevention. Local potentials for peace challenge ordinary images of war and peace and call key assumptions of hitherto, predominantly external crisis prevention strategies into question. Perceiving local (civil) actors as recipients of (inter)national policies for peace and not as independent protagonists of peace initiatives neglects their autonomous potential for peace. This paper reviews current research findings on the puzzling phenomenon of local potentials for peace with a focus on nonwar communities and identifies four innovative implications for conflict prevention.

New Publication: Politische Sanktionen: Im Lichte einer Ethik rechtserhaltender Gewalt

Book Cover

Werthes, Sascha (2018): Politische Sanktionen: Im Lichte einer Ethik rechtserhaltender Gewalt. In: Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline/ Rudolf, Peter (Hrsg.): Rechtserhaltende Gewalt – zur Kriteriologie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2018 S. 121 – 150 (Fragen zur Gewalt; Bd. 3)